Monday, April 12, 2010

A small act of courage.

Is it right to risk bringing such danger on one's relatives and friends by challenging the forces of law and order? This question always puzzles me. As we know, if most non-Jews stood up for Jews, they would be tortured or even killed. A while ago in class, our teacher asked 'If you had Jew next door neighbor for years, and than they were being taken away, would you stand up against the Nazi's and help them?' Of course you would like to. But there are often too many risks, often involving your family and friends as well. You see, surviving is a human instinct, so even though you may want to help them, because of the consequences. Most wouldn't speak up. Some brave-hearted would. The people of Le Chambon Sur Liginon did just that. They saved Jews for years, risking everything they had for good.
Many woman sent children to Switzerland, avoiding forces that could have been risky. Even though the ones who didn't stand up would be safe, the villagers in Le Chambon where the real survivors. They saved an others life, risking there's. The Villagers in Le Chambon were heroes. The people, who watched the persecution of Jews and did nothing, may have felt deep guilt. Guilt which was later too strong for them. So in some cases, it’s not a good idea, but in the end you may find that it’s the wrong decision to simply watch. People who did stand up felt pride, and joy that they saved people. Heres the Le Chambon website:

In Some in cases I would say you should stand up. Feel pride. In 'the boy in the Stripped Pyjamas ‘ this courage appeared. Bruno, the young protagonist, son of the Nazi commandant at Out-With (Auschwitz) showed this courage even though he didn't really understand what was happening around him. It. His was a very small act of resistance. But one small boy can make a very small change, even if it isn't noticeable. He didn’t really help anything, but he remained loyal to his friend and saw no difference based on religion. He simply saw him as a human being. Even though nothing changed after Bruno and Shmuel got sent to the gas chambers, Bruno 'invisibly' brought a bit of hope to Jews and Shmuel. Perhaps Bruno’s death might have made his father stop and think. I have to admit that Bruno didn't go up and stop a Jew from going to a Concentration camp. But he did give hope to Shmuel, and a friendship that helped Shmuel go through many struggles.

Another similar example is '‘Rose Blanche’' by Roberto Innocenti. It has a similar idea to the boy in the stripped Pyjamas. When Rose Blanche finds a concentration camp, she helps the Jewish children by giving them food. Again, I find that it’s an invisible Resistance. Even though she was not fighting against the governmental laws, she brought hope. Rose Blanche was also a real resistance against Hitlers party, heres the website :

Altogether, I find that if you want to do the right thing and stop what’s wrong, and risk bringing your family into danger, it s good to do that. Mind you, you would need to be very brave hearted like the people of Le Chambon. Risking your life is a very hard thing to do. But if you knew that it was risky, you probably didn't. Even though this would be the easier choice, you might have a feeling of guilt. I find that standing up is the right thing to besides the consequences. Justice is the key word to success.
Reflection on "Rose Blanche":
I find that the book 'Rose Blanche' connects with John Boynes book, 'The boy in the stripped pyjamas' in many ways. They both contain the 'idea of one against all'. Side against side. Some people stuck in the middle. Choices. Sacrificing, and mostly courage to see the dignity of all people.The town that Rose Blanche stayed in often had the affect of darkness, being shown in things such as the weather and people. Dark, grey sky's. Gray buildings and people. But in all the photos Rose Blanche was very brightly colored, as if a girl of hope. It was almost similar when Bruno moved to the New house out of Berlin, Men wore uniforms, and his house was gray and dark. Gray and dark colors are symbolized as troubled times, or a horrible place. Both are used in this way.The 'oppression' is also linked to the 'dividing', 'clothes (again), and food. Both Jews and non-Jews are separated by similarities and differences. Behind a fence, separated by one barbed wire, separating them from truth and reality. Clothes come in with the sense of how Jews had their clothes taken away by the Nazi's. At the end of the book, her clothes are found torn on the barbed wire. Its as if she’s stuck between both sides of the barbed wire, Jews and non-Jews. Like she can't chose between which is right and wrong. Clothes also appeared in colors, bright colors and dark. Food came in many things as well, such as how the Mayor was a very fat, plump man; this also showed his high statues. As for the Jews, they were lower down, a lower status and getting lower and lower. Thinner and Thinner. The biggest themes I find here are 'death for a life’, 'Resistnce', and most of all ‘curiosity and innocence’ where Rose Blanche is used to build up the story.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Steve McCurry Essay

Steve McCurry shocked the world with the Afghan girl; voted one of the best 100 photos in the world. Ever since then, he has been one of the world’s biggest photographers with his fascinating work, on humanity and, as I would say ‘the part of people’s lives we don’t see with our own eyes’.
McCurry’s main themes with his photography mainly consist with humanity ; in this case, life on the streets, all about human life. ‘His images capture the humanity of his subjects sometimes in difficult circumstances’ as Mrs. Whiting commented on her blog. When I think of Steve McCurry’s photos, I think of Poverty, War, grief, and sorrow. Not as in a bad way though. It shows how fortunate some of us are, and how some of us go through troubles every day, but they just learn to live like this. But some of McCurry’s photographs show the beauty of nature, and humanity. Not all of his photography is Pain and war. In fact some of his photos show the beautiful side of life.
‘What is important to my work is the individual picture. I photograph stories on assignment, and of course they have to be put together coherently. But what matters most is that each picture stands on its own, with its own place and feeling’ Steve McCurry

‘Every gun that is fired, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.’ Steve McCurry
To me, the main photos that stand out to me from Steve McCurry’s photographic collection… to me mainly come up under the ‘groups’ such as ‘Children at war’, ‘Afghan Wars’ and also photos of Children playing on tanks, and of poverty on the streets. But the main photo that stood out for me was the first photo under ‘Children at war’ on McCurry’s blog. A young boy, around 3 or 4 is standing in the middle of the picture. He has dirt slightly covering his face. He has war-combat type clothes on by the looks of it. His head is down, and he doesn’t seem to be too scared. You may ask why. This is because his tiny hands are holding onto a gun, almost as large as him. Right behind him the is a tall man, with his hand placed on the boys head, as if he’s trying to tell him that he’s in charge. You can’t see the mans upper body, so it’s hard to imagine what his facial expression would look like. Both men and boy are dressed in black and a very dark green, making the picture seem wearier. What surprised/shocked me about this photo was actually how calm the little boy seemed. His eyes just look forward, but slightly down at the camera, his eyes piercing your heart. If I was him, I would be terrified holding a gun at that age. This made me realize that he had been brought up like this. The war caused by the adults where influencing children to live this life. Because of this, how would these young children act when they were older?
In this photo I think that Steve McCurry is trying to tell us that humanity isn’t always perfect, and that some of us need to live through harsh conditions which most of us couldn’t live. He’s trying to tell some of us how fortunate we are ; and how some of us need help

McCurry’s work has really inspired me about Humanity, and about how the world really is. Sometimes when I see a photo, it just stares at me blank. But not like most of Steve McCurry’s photos. I see his passion. I see his grief. I see his fantasy of taking that photo, which could change his life forever. Photographs can be very powerful. Just like the Afghan girl, they can change someone’s life forever. Photographs can also show how the world is doing, or how it needs to be helped. Photos CAN make people be inspired. Some photographs make people want to go out there and change the world. To me, a great photo shows passion in the Photographer. It isn’t just a photo. Every photo is a masterpiece for the photographer. Not just that, but he ENJOYS what he’s doing. A photographer, who doesn’t enjoy taking photographs, doesn’t show real Passion in his work.

Fishermen cleaning nets, families sharing meals and celebrations, artisans crafting their wares, nomads continually on the move; even the most seemingly mundane activities can be inspirational when you look beneath the surface.' Steve McCurry

Check out his blog :

Friday, October 9, 2009

Not a great dancer but a great inspirer!

These videos of Matt have really inspired at me. At first I thought that it was a bit silly, but later I realized how nice it was for him to do that. It look strange, doing a silly dance and going to 70 different countries... but in the end I found it really good for him to do that.

My brother does a similar sort of thing. He is nicknamed 'Tiger' , and he had a football t-shirt with tiger on the back of it. Each time hes goes away, he has his back at the camera and points at his name. He now has pictures from the Great Wall of China, Malaysia,Singapore and many other places! I found this movie inspiring, and just like the compliment guys, I thought that it was incredibly nice to make others smile ; and it was even nicer that he met people all over the world. After my mum watched this video, she said that I should start doing something like this (Because we travel so much!)-(I'm on my 3rd(almost 4th passport), which is alot!) I found this a really cool idea, and I now think that we should all make our part for this world ; To inspire others and make others smile.
Matt Harding, Thanks for making us a happier community - I chose the picture because of 2 reasons . A. Because Its Matt , and B. Because in this photo it shows many different people all over the world. All different, but at the same time all the same. People love to come together, to have fun, and to smile together ; and this is what Matt is creating..

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Compliment guys - Response

If they complimented me, at first I would be like..... ' Ok... Um thanks', but after watching this video, it seemed really nice of them to do that, to brighten up there day. Even so, everbody wants to be HAPPY!
What these boys are doing is great thing to do. I do agree with them, that everybody is gloomy on some days. It would be great to have someone do that to you in school, to cheer you up, especially if you have got a test in your next class.
I found it really shocking when a few teens said something bad to them about it, or gave them a strange face. But I was actually amazed how many people gave them a high five, or a smile.
I find it amazing how sometimes a few nice complimants can cheer a person up incredibly. They are right though , our world does need cheering up.
And it all starts with us

Thursday, September 24, 2009

My name - First 7th grade work

My first name is from the Hebrew meaning 'princess'.My middle name means in Hebrew, Greek and English 'My god is a vow'; And My last name means, 'Beautiful, fair or handsome'. Princess.....Beautiful and fair.... Not exactly the best name for me.

To me, Sarah is a practical name that probably everybody can pronounce. It doesn't always have that nice 'ring to it', and its not a unique name that everybody finds 'cool' and is often a tongue twister for people to say. Sometimes I find it a bit boring and dull, compared to names like ' Krithika' or 'Bryna. But your name is part of who you are, so you just have to respect that.

I find my name sometimes like a butterfly in a flock; it doesn't stand out of the crowd. Its like a pebble in a haystack, never found
Kirsty (Say curse-ty) was meant to be my name; it was chosen by my mother, as my father liked Sarah. Kirsty is Latin but comes from Scotland, but means 'Follower of Christ'. This name is meant to be a name of peace and grace.

Some people think that Sarah's a lovely name. Others don't like it at all. Some people think that my names of wisdom and beauty. But to me, its just like any other name. Nice in some ways, bad in others. It may not speak out to others, But it sure speaks to me.

Shy, Quite, Doesn't stand out of the crowd, Beautiful in someways....

Just Like me

There wasn't that many good pictures to describe me, so I chose a simple and obvious one. Me, and my name both fit this picture. Sometimes I can be quite quiet, unseen by others, sometimes I feel really lonely, and sometimes I can feel quite depressed. Fair/beautiful princess. I hope I can live up to my name one day.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My quote

For my blog, I chose the quote 'The road of life twists and turns, but no directions are ever the same', by Don Williams, Jr, he was the Co-Chair of the Barack Obama for President, and was also elected to serve as the President Pro Tempore, the highest-ranking legislator in the Connecticut General Assembly in America.

I think that this quote means 'No matter which way you go on a journey, each journey is always different. Every journey is unique. Every journey is special in some way. No matter if its and inwards journey, a long physical journey, or even an mental one, each is different. I really do agree with this quote, as I, myself have realized this throughout the years.

Here's some other famous quotes by him:
*“On an altar of prejudice we crucify our own, yet the blood of all children is the color of God.
*“Death may indeed be final but the love we share while living is eternal.
*“What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact.
*“Hate grows and victors where love is afraid to share its bloom.
*“Music is the balm that heals the forlorn ache of a distant star.

Famous leaders :

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The giver Trailer

This was our humanities project, for the book 'The Giver'. This is our last project in 6th grade.

Talk to you this summer,

Sarah :)