Saturday, May 23, 2009

Who will save mother nature now?

Global Warming, Pollution, Animal extinction, deforestation............ Only WE can save the earth from these disasters. Some of these things we have 'helped' get worse, and some are completely our fault. What have I done to help?

REDUCE , REUSE, RECYCLE! Me and my family really care about the environment even if its just helping our community! Everyday, we have an newspaper delivered to our door. Every few months we deliver the papers to the SPCA. You know that in all these stores they always give you a plastic bag? Right? Well my family does this very often. Everytime we go shopping, we don't ask for a bag, and we just use the bag we got. This a good method for Reducing.

Remember, know matter if you even just put a plastic bottle in the recycle bin, every little bit helps!

SAVE ELECTRICITY! This is one of the main causes for global warming. Yes, we couldn't live without electricity, I know. But we need to reduce our use of it! While we are out, many of us leave the lights on, the fan, we leave our electronics still charging. Well this is not helping our environment at all!!

Earth hour really helped our enviorment. All over the world, people were switching off their lights for an hour, thinking our one and only earth. If really showed what could be done. It was a great way to save our earth.

Before you leave your house next time, think before you leave ' Do I need to keep my lights on;' or ' Is my DS charged up , but still plugged up?'

Ok, I know that there are many other things that are happening to our earth, but the two above, are probally the ones which we need to focus on most.

Think to yourself..

If we let our earth die, because of us.... what will happen next?

Well the anserw is nothing...... she is our only home

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