Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Compliment guys - Response

If they complimented me, at first I would be like..... ' Ok... Um thanks', but after watching this video, it seemed really nice of them to do that, to brighten up there day. Even so, everbody wants to be HAPPY!
What these boys are doing is great thing to do. I do agree with them, that everybody is gloomy on some days. It would be great to have someone do that to you in school, to cheer you up, especially if you have got a test in your next class.
I found it really shocking when a few teens said something bad to them about it, or gave them a strange face. But I was actually amazed how many people gave them a high five, or a smile.
I find it amazing how sometimes a few nice complimants can cheer a person up incredibly. They are right though , our world does need cheering up.
And it all starts with us

Thursday, September 24, 2009

My name - First 7th grade work

My first name is from the Hebrew meaning 'princess'.My middle name means in Hebrew, Greek and English 'My god is a vow'; And My last name means, 'Beautiful, fair or handsome'. Princess.....Beautiful and fair.... Not exactly the best name for me.

To me, Sarah is a practical name that probably everybody can pronounce. It doesn't always have that nice 'ring to it', and its not a unique name that everybody finds 'cool' and is often a tongue twister for people to say. Sometimes I find it a bit boring and dull, compared to names like ' Krithika' or 'Bryna. But your name is part of who you are, so you just have to respect that.

I find my name sometimes like a butterfly in a flock; it doesn't stand out of the crowd. Its like a pebble in a haystack, never found
Kirsty (Say curse-ty) was meant to be my name; it was chosen by my mother, as my father liked Sarah. Kirsty is Latin but comes from Scotland, but means 'Follower of Christ'. This name is meant to be a name of peace and grace.

Some people think that Sarah's a lovely name. Others don't like it at all. Some people think that my names of wisdom and beauty. But to me, its just like any other name. Nice in some ways, bad in others. It may not speak out to others, But it sure speaks to me.

Shy, Quite, Doesn't stand out of the crowd, Beautiful in someways....

Just Like me


There wasn't that many good pictures to describe me, so I chose a simple and obvious one. Me, and my name both fit this picture. Sometimes I can be quite quiet, unseen by others, sometimes I feel really lonely, and sometimes I can feel quite depressed. Fair/beautiful princess. I hope I can live up to my name one day.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My quote

For my blog, I chose the quote 'The road of life twists and turns, but no directions are ever the same', by Don Williams, Jr, he was the Co-Chair of the Barack Obama for President, and was also elected to serve as the President Pro Tempore, the highest-ranking legislator in the Connecticut General Assembly in America.

I think that this quote means 'No matter which way you go on a journey, each journey is always different. Every journey is unique. Every journey is special in some way. No matter if its and inwards journey, a long physical journey, or even an mental one, each is different. I really do agree with this quote, as I, myself have realized this throughout the years.

Here's some other famous quotes by him:
*“On an altar of prejudice we crucify our own, yet the blood of all children is the color of God.
*“Death may indeed be final but the love we share while living is eternal.
*“What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact.
*“Hate grows and victors where love is afraid to share its bloom.
*“Music is the balm that heals the forlorn ache of a distant star.

Famous leaders : http://knol.google.com/k/-/-/14dmp09oqdm08/gbdnp3/world-leaders%20(1).jpg