Monday, March 23, 2009

Malaysia week and spring break.....

Malaysia week has been one of the best weeks of my life. Malaysia week is full of adventure , surprises, and excitement. I can not wait till next year.

This has been my first Malaysia week. I went to Pulau Perhentian Kecil. We were the first bus to leave ( At 4:00 in the morning!) as our bus ride was 8-9 hours , and we had a 40 min boat ride. It was nice to get out the busy , noisy electronic city and Enjoy the fresh air , and cool ocean breeze. Now , to get on the exciting and challenging bits of our trip.... First
of all henna. Henna is an Indian Tatoo, which can last for about a month. Henna has no chemicals , and is made out of Vegtaable oil. But even though we were suppose to use it for our body.... we did some of our hair!!! It was a lot of fun, now me and Bryna ( My friend who was also on our Malaysia week sight ) both have red/orange stripes in our hair! Now the hiking..... it was horrible! We trecked in the rainforst for 3 hours straight! We first Kayaked to Besar ( The island next to us) and then we walked halfway across the island.... and then we trecked up a mountain in the rainforst... for no reason! For 3 hours! IT was soooo anoying!!!

Now for spring break.... my family and I were supposed to go to Australia; But then 3 weeks ago, my father got a triple bypass. ( 3 veins in his heat got smaller ) So my father had to go for a heart operation. Now he can not travel for 3 months. So for this spring break , I need to stay here in Kl. But I am happy , as I would rather have a healthy father than a Sick one!

Talk to you soon...



Virginia said...

Hey! My name's Virginia. I am verrry sorry to hear about your dad. That must be hard but I'll keep you and your family in my prayers! Also, haha! I love to hear that henna story! I went on a school trip with my grade. We went to a place called "Team Trek" It is a SUPER fun place! Over my spring break I just hung out at home. I went to Legally Blonde the Musical. I dont really know if you have heard of it but it is awesome! Well, I hope that everything is going great over there! Glad you liked MW!

Write Back!!!--

Sarah XD said...

Hi virginai!

Thank you for keeping my dad in your prayers. WOW! What else do you do in 'Team treck?' I have just started spring break today!

Hope you talk back soon!


Virginia said...

Hey! Okay so Team Trek is a camp where you have to learn how to use teamwork to win the challenges. You have rock walls, ropes course type things, and there was a like 15 foot wall but you could only use your classmates to get over it. It wasnt like a rock wall, it was more like a fence. Also, you couldn't talk while doing this. So there were a few people who were chosen out of all the groups, and they had to figure out how you would get people over the wall. It was soo much fun! When you're there you have to hike like a mile to get to breakfast every day! AT SIX O' CLOCK IN THE MORNING! That part didn't really phase me though cause i get up earlier than that on a daily basis. It was soo fun! I do love camping and hiking. Some of my classmates thought it was boring but I thought it was fun! HAVE FUN ON SPRING BREAK! What have you done so far anyway?

Write back!!!!

Sarah XD said...

WOW!!! Team treak does sound like alot of fun!

Sorry... I need to go and finish some homework!

Talk soon!


Sarah XD said...

Hope that you have had a good Spring break Virginia!


Sarah S. said...

I think the trip was at 2:30-3:00am...
I actually don't think the hike was that bad, it was fun!
Sorry to hear about your father is he better now?
Sarah (!!)

Sarah XD said...

Hi Sarah!

Yeah , you are probally right..

Yeah the treck was fun, but It was really tiring!!!!

I wish that I could follow your blog! It wont let me :(

Sarah :)