Friday, October 9, 2009

Not a great dancer but a great inspirer!

These videos of Matt have really inspired at me. At first I thought that it was a bit silly, but later I realized how nice it was for him to do that. It look strange, doing a silly dance and going to 70 different countries... but in the end I found it really good for him to do that.

My brother does a similar sort of thing. He is nicknamed 'Tiger' , and he had a football t-shirt with tiger on the back of it. Each time hes goes away, he has his back at the camera and points at his name. He now has pictures from the Great Wall of China, Malaysia,Singapore and many other places! I found this movie inspiring, and just like the compliment guys, I thought that it was incredibly nice to make others smile ; and it was even nicer that he met people all over the world. After my mum watched this video, she said that I should start doing something like this (Because we travel so much!)-(I'm on my 3rd(almost 4th passport), which is alot!) I found this a really cool idea, and I now think that we should all make our part for this world ; To inspire others and make others smile.
Matt Harding, Thanks for making us a happier community - I chose the picture because of 2 reasons . A. Because Its Matt , and B. Because in this photo it shows many different people all over the world. All different, but at the same time all the same. People love to come together, to have fun, and to smile together ; and this is what Matt is creating..

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Compliment guys - Response

If they complimented me, at first I would be like..... ' Ok... Um thanks', but after watching this video, it seemed really nice of them to do that, to brighten up there day. Even so, everbody wants to be HAPPY!
What these boys are doing is great thing to do. I do agree with them, that everybody is gloomy on some days. It would be great to have someone do that to you in school, to cheer you up, especially if you have got a test in your next class.
I found it really shocking when a few teens said something bad to them about it, or gave them a strange face. But I was actually amazed how many people gave them a high five, or a smile.
I find it amazing how sometimes a few nice complimants can cheer a person up incredibly. They are right though , our world does need cheering up.
And it all starts with us

Thursday, September 24, 2009

My name - First 7th grade work

My first name is from the Hebrew meaning 'princess'.My middle name means in Hebrew, Greek and English 'My god is a vow'; And My last name means, 'Beautiful, fair or handsome'. Princess.....Beautiful and fair.... Not exactly the best name for me.

To me, Sarah is a practical name that probably everybody can pronounce. It doesn't always have that nice 'ring to it', and its not a unique name that everybody finds 'cool' and is often a tongue twister for people to say. Sometimes I find it a bit boring and dull, compared to names like ' Krithika' or 'Bryna. But your name is part of who you are, so you just have to respect that.

I find my name sometimes like a butterfly in a flock; it doesn't stand out of the crowd. Its like a pebble in a haystack, never found
Kirsty (Say curse-ty) was meant to be my name; it was chosen by my mother, as my father liked Sarah. Kirsty is Latin but comes from Scotland, but means 'Follower of Christ'. This name is meant to be a name of peace and grace.

Some people think that Sarah's a lovely name. Others don't like it at all. Some people think that my names of wisdom and beauty. But to me, its just like any other name. Nice in some ways, bad in others. It may not speak out to others, But it sure speaks to me.

Shy, Quite, Doesn't stand out of the crowd, Beautiful in someways....

Just Like me

There wasn't that many good pictures to describe me, so I chose a simple and obvious one. Me, and my name both fit this picture. Sometimes I can be quite quiet, unseen by others, sometimes I feel really lonely, and sometimes I can feel quite depressed. Fair/beautiful princess. I hope I can live up to my name one day.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My quote

For my blog, I chose the quote 'The road of life twists and turns, but no directions are ever the same', by Don Williams, Jr, he was the Co-Chair of the Barack Obama for President, and was also elected to serve as the President Pro Tempore, the highest-ranking legislator in the Connecticut General Assembly in America.

I think that this quote means 'No matter which way you go on a journey, each journey is always different. Every journey is unique. Every journey is special in some way. No matter if its and inwards journey, a long physical journey, or even an mental one, each is different. I really do agree with this quote, as I, myself have realized this throughout the years.

Here's some other famous quotes by him:
*“On an altar of prejudice we crucify our own, yet the blood of all children is the color of God.
*“Death may indeed be final but the love we share while living is eternal.
*“What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact.
*“Hate grows and victors where love is afraid to share its bloom.
*“Music is the balm that heals the forlorn ache of a distant star.

Famous leaders :

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The giver Trailer

This was our humanities project, for the book 'The Giver'. This is our last project in 6th grade.

Talk to you this summer,

Sarah :)

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Here comes 7th grade ! :)

Lockers, Homework, Independence, friendships, freedom....... 6th grade contains so much. All of these things we had to deal with at the begging of 6th grade ; the things we didn't have/have as much of in Melawati.
But now 6th grade is almost over, and 7th grade is my next challenge.

6th grade as been such an amazing adventure. Some times have been hard, with all the homework and stressful work..... but I have loved my first year in middle school. Anyway..... I will now tell you about me: I love humanities ( Social studies/history part of it). Yes, that's a good thing for next year, I know.
Anyway...... now onto the questions!

1.There are many things I am proud of from my 6th grade year. Some things big, some things small. But altogether, I am most proud of my non-academic grade. I have always been well behaved in class because I love to learn new things in each class; I don't just sit there and talk to my friends the whole class.
I also do my homework and I always check the homework on the BBS; and I get my homework due on time. Sometimes I can work a bit too hard ( Making a piece of homework too long... etc) but in the end all that hard work was worth it.

2.My greatest challenge in 6th grade...... well I actually had alot of challenges like lockers, finding my way around,getting used to the schedule......... etc. But I think probably my biggest challenge was homework this year; It took me a long time to get used to all the homework we had from each class. In Melawati, we usually only got about 30-40 minutes of homework each day and we never used the BBS. This took a lot of time to get used to, especially that we have most of our homework on the computer !

3.I learned this year just to try your hardest. Even if you didn 't do too well on a test.... if you tri ed your best that's the most important thing ( And sadly, I got that from my mom. She is actually right!)

4. To evaluate your work habits, choose 1 of the following from each category ( and provide explanations):

a) Behavior
*Could be improved
*Perfect - the model student
Explanation: I think that I am pretty much perfect. (I am not trying to make myself sound completely perfect at everything). As I said before, I listen to the teacher while she is talking, and I always try and not get distracted by others.

b) Participation
*Actively participate in class
Explanation: I think that I am probably inbetween satisfactory and Actively participate in class, but closer to Actively. I am not afraid to answer questions and I always try to help others.

c) Organization
*Needs serious help
*I'm super organized
Explanation: I think that I am super organized. My locker is neat and tidy ( So its easy to find stuff) and I always bring the materials I need to class ; and so far I have not lost any school items( The giver, Social studies text......) But at home, before a test I think I should organize my time a bit more wisely if there is a test coming up.

d) Effort
*Needs serious help

*I always go above and beyond what is required.
Explanation: I am probably nearer 'I always go above and beyond as required' but not completely all the way ( But ever so almost) I try my hardest in my homework and in class to achieve the expectations.

5. Based upon your reflections, write two personal learning goals for Grade 7 next year.

*Goal 1 - In Grade 7, I plan to try and put a little bit more effort into my work, so that I can rise to the top.

*Goal 2 - In Grade 7, I plan to organize my homework time a bit better, and to really look over my work done over the day ( If there is a test coming up)

6)Is there any more information about yourself that you would like the teachers to know?
That I will try my best next year to do even better then this year in 6th grade.

Looking forward to seeing you soon!

Sarah :D

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Who will save mother nature now?

Global Warming, Pollution, Animal extinction, deforestation............ Only WE can save the earth from these disasters. Some of these things we have 'helped' get worse, and some are completely our fault. What have I done to help?

REDUCE , REUSE, RECYCLE! Me and my family really care about the environment even if its just helping our community! Everyday, we have an newspaper delivered to our door. Every few months we deliver the papers to the SPCA. You know that in all these stores they always give you a plastic bag? Right? Well my family does this very often. Everytime we go shopping, we don't ask for a bag, and we just use the bag we got. This a good method for Reducing.

Remember, know matter if you even just put a plastic bottle in the recycle bin, every little bit helps!

SAVE ELECTRICITY! This is one of the main causes for global warming. Yes, we couldn't live without electricity, I know. But we need to reduce our use of it! While we are out, many of us leave the lights on, the fan, we leave our electronics still charging. Well this is not helping our environment at all!!

Earth hour really helped our enviorment. All over the world, people were switching off their lights for an hour, thinking our one and only earth. If really showed what could be done. It was a great way to save our earth.

Before you leave your house next time, think before you leave ' Do I need to keep my lights on;' or ' Is my DS charged up , but still plugged up?'

Ok, I know that there are many other things that are happening to our earth, but the two above, are probally the ones which we need to focus on most.

Think to yourself..

If we let our earth die, because of us.... what will happen next?

Well the anserw is nothing...... she is our only home

Monday, March 23, 2009

Malaysia week and spring break.....

Malaysia week has been one of the best weeks of my life. Malaysia week is full of adventure , surprises, and excitement. I can not wait till next year.

This has been my first Malaysia week. I went to Pulau Perhentian Kecil. We were the first bus to leave ( At 4:00 in the morning!) as our bus ride was 8-9 hours , and we had a 40 min boat ride. It was nice to get out the busy , noisy electronic city and Enjoy the fresh air , and cool ocean breeze. Now , to get on the exciting and challenging bits of our trip.... First
of all henna. Henna is an Indian Tatoo, which can last for about a month. Henna has no chemicals , and is made out of Vegtaable oil. But even though we were suppose to use it for our body.... we did some of our hair!!! It was a lot of fun, now me and Bryna ( My friend who was also on our Malaysia week sight ) both have red/orange stripes in our hair! Now the hiking..... it was horrible! We trecked in the rainforst for 3 hours straight! We first Kayaked to Besar ( The island next to us) and then we walked halfway across the island.... and then we trecked up a mountain in the rainforst... for no reason! For 3 hours! IT was soooo anoying!!!

Now for spring break.... my family and I were supposed to go to Australia; But then 3 weeks ago, my father got a triple bypass. ( 3 veins in his heat got smaller ) So my father had to go for a heart operation. Now he can not travel for 3 months. So for this spring break , I need to stay here in Kl. But I am happy , as I would rather have a healthy father than a Sick one!

Talk to you soon...


Thursday, March 12, 2009

About Malaysia, Kl. Hello America

Hello Tennessee!

I'm Sarah, and I am going to tell you about KL (Kuala Lumpur)

I am from ISKL ( The international school of Kuala Lumpur) ISKL is a international , there are ton of different nationalities , like :

*European..... there is more than 55 different
nationalities! ISKL has been open for about 45 years.

To me , ISKL is the best School because of something called 'Malaysia week.' In Malaysia week you go away for 5 days, and you earthier do to 'Coastal' or 'Rainforest' sight. It is the experience of a lifetime!
A link to pictures of a Malaysia week:'08/index.html

Some of Kuala Lumpurs attractions: ( You can look for these on the internet)
*Cosmos World theme park
*KlCC ( See below)
* The Pavillion ( Shopping center)
*The twin towers ( See below)
* And Negara Zoo

Kuala Lumpur is a community of mostly Chinese, Indian and Malay (Malaysian) Kuala Lumpur is famous for its 'twin towers', which used to be the tallest towers in the world ( Now they are the second or third) The sky bridge is on the 43-42 floor. Below the twin towers there is a Shopping 'mall' called KLCC ( Kuala Lumpur City Center.) There is also a HUGE playground and 'swimming pool.' These are usually used by locals ( Malaysians.)

Kuala Lumpur is a friendly , caring, nationality full place. I have loved living here in Kuala Lumpur, for the last 4 years. Sure at first it might be a bit strange or a bit scary, But after a while; you start to feel welcome.

I hope that you can come and Visit Kl sometime!

Sarah x

P.S I wish that I could write alot more!

( P.SS This is our school)

Monday, January 12, 2009

Goodbye 2008 ! Hello 2009!!!!

You do know that People Make new years resolutions right?
Well , I have never made a new years Resolution.

Well this year , I am going to make some...
because my humanities teacher has asked us to do one on our blog..... So here it goes!

My new year Resolutions are:

* I don't ear that much ; But to eat less
* To do my Favorite Sport , Swimming more often.
* To spend more time with my mum and dad.
* .... And with friends , Of course!

Even though I could make a few more , These are the most important new years resolutions to me right now .

Now I need to say goodbye , as I need to start starting these resolutions.

Talk to you soon.
